Our School Day
The timings of our school day vary across our main site and satellite provision.
A typical school day at the Whittlesea Road site will begin at 8:50am and end at 3:15pm.
A typical school day at the Weald Rise site will begin at 9:00am and end at 3:00pm.
For more specific information, please contact the school office.
Attendance Policy and Procedure
School attendance and the law
By law, all children of compulsory school age must receive a suitable full-time education. As a parent or guardian, you have a legal responsibility to make sure this happens.
Parents and carers of the pupils at Kingsley high school who are of compulsory school age are required to ensure that they receive efficient full time education. Here at Kingsley High School we do all we can to support school attendance and take seriously any issues that may lead to non-attendance. Good school attendance is essential to ensure that all children and young people make the most of the educational opportunities available and achieve their full potential whilst ensuring that all pupils stay safe. We believe that this also sets good habits for later in life.
The school’s responsibility
The school has a duty to:
Record the attendance of every pupil, or record them absent or late. All class registers are completed showing the exact reasons for a pupil’s absence.
Ensure the register is taken at the beginning of both morning and afternoon sessions.
Monitor attendance of pupils and groups, highlighting any safeguarding concerns
The parent/carer’s responsibility
If for any reason your child is not able to attend school, or has to leave school during the day, please inform the school in advance where an appointment is known. Usually this would be via the link book or a telephone call to 020-8421-3676.
If the absence is through illness or emergency which is not known in advance, please contact the school on the first day of absence before 9am on 020-8421-3676. During this phone-call it will also be helpful to give an indication of when your child will be returning to school.
If your child is absent from school and we have not yet heard from you, our procedure is to make a phone-call to you during the day in accordance with our safeguarding procedures.
Although the local authority transport staff are very good at relaying messages, please always follow-up any messages, particularly regarding attendance, by calling the school yourself.
The school will authorise absences resulting from participation in religious observance by the religious body to which the parent belongs. Permission should be sought from the headteacher using an exceptional leave form. For all cases of exceptional leave, pupils are encouraged to share their experiences as appropriate.
Exceptional leave in term-time
Since September 2013 schools are not permitted to authorise any holiday during term time and leave will only be given in very exceptional circumstances. It is important that you are aware that parents do not have a right to take children out of school in term-time. If there are exceptional circumstances then you must complete an ‘exceptional leave request’ form, which can be obtained from the school office. You will be required to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership team to discuss your request.
You need to be aware that if you take your child out of school without agreement from the Head teacher:
You can receive a Penalty Notice of £60 or
A court summons, which can lead to a criminal record and fine
Your child may also be at risk of losing their school place.
Pupils taking unauthorised leave of absence from school may be considered as a safeguarding issue. The school has an obligation to provide details of any such unauthorised absences to the Local Authority, who may decide to investigate further and take further action.
Monitoring and supporting attendance
Where appropriate we will celebrate when pupils have excellent attendance records. However, for some of our pupils we recognise that there may be medical or physical conditions which can affect their attendance. For example, a pupil’s attendance may be reduced as the result of a short time in hospital; for another young person a more chronic condition could affect attendance sporadically. In all cases communication between home and school can help to maintain links and support young people during what can be painful and confusing times. Support for young people and their families is on an individual basis and will usually include the form tutor and/or assistant headteacher for the relevant key stage; the family support worker may also be involved as appropriate. Style and frequency of contact will depend on each case, but could include phone-calls, letters from staff and peers, home visits as appropriate. In some cases other agencies may also be involved.
If you feel you would like to talk about any of the points raised in this policy, do get in contact.
Further information can be found at: