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Kingsley High School

‘Enjoy and Achieve’

‘Enjoy and Achieve’

Careers Education

Careers Education forms part of the Kingsley High School curriculum throughout all key stages. This includes work experience, mini enterprise, learning about the world of work, visits to and from employers and learning about employment, education and training opportunities that exist in life after school.


We welcome employers and training providers who would like to work alongside us in providing opportunities for our learners. Employers and providers wishing to support our learners should contact


Darcy Louch (Assistant Head)


Telephone: 0208 421 3676

Post: Kingsley High School, Whittlesea Road, Harrow Weald, Middlesex HA3 6ND.


Key documents relating to careers can be found below. The documents are reviewed in line with our Careers Policy review, which takes place every three years (next review is due 2026).